Cozy Comfort
The Naturals Vanilla & Sandalwood scent is comforting. I think the scent of vanilla in general is comforting. It's one of my favorite scents. Vanilla is also one of my husband's favorite scents too. I once read in a dating book a long, long time ago when I was in the dating scene that vanilla scents cause men to think of love. Can you believe that? Anyway, the book said that you can burn a vanilla scented candle for your man when he comes to pick you up for a date. I think it's a little hokey but who knows?
Avon's Naturals line of scented body sprays, body lotions and shower gels have many scents to choose from. My personal favorite is Fresh Cucumber Melon. It is clean smelling, refreshing and makes me think of summer which is my favorite season. I also like the pomegranate/mango and the silky vanilla. I usually like strawberry but for me, Avon's strawberry is too sweet of a fragrance. My customers' favorite is the Cherry Blossom. One of my customers sprays her linens with Naturals Body Spray. What a great idea! She stocks up on several different scents when they are on sale. Body sprays are on sale for $5.99, body lotions for $3.99 and shower gels for $1.99.
Shop for Naturals body sprays, lotions and shower gels at my Avon online store for your favorite scents. Avon Campaign 3 ends soon. Shop the Campaign 3 brochure online for more deals and sales. While you're visiting my Avon online store, please register as a customer to receive a free Avon brochure in the mail. Thanks!
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