Monday Will Come an Hour Earlier!

For those of you who don't look forward to Monday morning, unfortunately, it will be here an hour earlier this week.  Sorry!  Here's something that will cheer you up - a FREE watch from Avon if you order $50 or more from my online store,  Use coupon code: DAYLIGHT at checkout.  So now you'll have another watch to change the time when it comes to change the time back in the fall.  Have you changed all your clocks and watches?  I haven't.  I still have another few Avon watches that I wear and the stove, microwave, kitchen clock, bathroom clock, etc. still need changed.  

I really like Avon's watches.  Not only are they cheap in price but they're really pretty and or look expensive.  Have you check the cost of replacing a watch battery nowadays?  It's cheaper to just get a new watch especially when Avon puts them on sale for just $9.99.  $9.99 is cheaper than taking a watch to a jewelry repair shop to replace the battery.  I have several fairly expensive watches that were given to me as gifts that I have to replace the batteries in them but they're all sitting in my jewelry box.  One of these days, I'll break down and replace the batteries but until then, my Avon watches will do.  So if you're like me and have watches that need batteries, check out the new Counting Critters Silicone Watches or the Pretty Floral Expansion Watches in the Campaign 7 Avon brochure.  The Counting Critters watches are available in white, pink, blue, yellow, green and purple.  They are adorable with each watch having a little spring critter go around on the second hand.   Guess what?  They are just $9.99 each.  

See other deals and sales that Avon has to offer in the Campaign 7 brochure online or register as a customer to receive a brochure in the mail.  I hope you catch up on the hour of sleep you lost this weekend and have a fantastic week!


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