Veteran's Day Sale Continues - take off 20%

So here I am, a day late and a dollar short as they say.  Veterans Day was yesterday but I just didn't have time to post.  Good news is the Avon Veterans Day sale continues through midnight tonight, 11/12/15.  Use coupon code: TAKE20 to save 20% off your $50 Avon order at  

I do want to take a moment to thank all the veterans who serve today and have served in our military.  My husband is a veteran and he is extremely proud of his service.  I didn't know him during the time he served but I enjoy his stories.  One of his stories he told was when he had to sleep in the field for a month at a time.  I can't even imagine sleeping outdoors for a month without bathroom facilities.  He said they would get back and he would sit in a lawn chair under the shower.  After hearing his stories, I appreciate what our military members have to endure.  My husband was never in battle so I can't imagine what that must be like.  All I do know is that I couldn't do it.  My roommate enlisted and tried to get me to.  I went it to talk to the recruiter and I thought about it.  The night before I was supposed to enlist, I backed out.  I just couldn't do it.  I just couldn't live without coming and going when I please, doing what I please when I want.  So, hats off to all our military members and veterans!  

Thank you!  


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