Here's the Skinny about Having Your Own Avon Business

I'm going to give you the skinny about having your Avon business.  All the time, I see direct sellers, not just with Avon, jump from company to company because they don't make the money they thought they would. Believe it or not, it takes effort and lots of it!  I know I'm not going to get rich with Avon because I do not much put in as much effort as I should.  One of the reasons is that I do Avon for fun mostly and I love Avon products.  I am also a full-time accountant and I love my job.  I like Avon too but enjoy it on a part-time level.

I hear all the time from new Avon representatives that they can't seem to find customers and don't have any orders.  Or they aren't making any money.  The first question to ask the representative is, how many brochures have you handed out?  When they say 2 brochures, well then, there's your answer as to why you're not making any money.  I pass out about 80-100 brochures per Avon campaign which a new Avon campaign starts every 2 weeks.  Almost every Avon campaign, I get a new customer.  I'm no where near being a top seller for Avon but I make enough money to be happy with it.  I sell about $10,000-$12,000 per year and make 40% commission on Avon's core products like makeup, skincare, etc.  I make 25% commission on other products such as clothing, shoes, holiday decor and gifts.  I'm at the President's Club level which has additional benefits besides the commission percentage.  In order to get to this level and remember I only do Avon part-time, it takes time and effort.  I always admire Avon's top sellers who make a living from Avon and do quite well indeed!

So what does it cost to be an Avon representative you might ask? The initial sign up fee is $15 which includes 10 brochures for the next two campaigns from which you sign up and training materials.  Avon also offers some really good training courses online.  Of course, your leader should help you along the way.  I have almost 8 years of experience with Avon to share with you.  Once you get started, you will need to purchase your brochures each campaign.  The brochures are less than $1.00 a piece and get cheaper the more you buy.  Other purchases you can make are business cards, samples and bags for your customers' orders.  The samples and bags can purchased directly from Avon and aren't that expensive.  50 paper bags cost $1.15.  You can purchase samples of select makeup, skincare and fragrances.  Samples range from $1.00-$3.00/pack.  Avon also has sample bundles you can purchase.  I purchase the bundles so I have plenty of samples on hand for prospecting new customers.  I always put a sample in every one of my customers' order bags.  One complaint I hear from new representatives is that they have to buy samples.  Some representatives think that they shouldn't have to buy samples and brochures. They think that Avon should give them to us.  I look at it this way, it is a cost of doing business.  If you own a store, you would have to purchase your inventory, shelving and everything else in the store, it's the same with Avon.  The brochure is your store, if you don't have a store for customers to shop, you will have no orders.

Why am I telling you all this?  Well...right now, Avon is having a special offer for new representatives.  Avon will refund your $15 sign up fee if you place your first order of $100 by October 19.  In order to get your refund, you would have to sign up between September 2 and September 15.  So why not try Avon for FREE and see how it goes?  You're probably wondering how you can get a $100 order together.  Just think, the average Avon order from my customers is about $25.  $100 is only 4 customers.  Plus, you can include your own order if you didn't get enough orders to make $100.  With Avon, you only order the products that your customers placed the orders for.  On your first order of $100 if you don't order anything for yourself, you would make approximately $20 if you sold all Avon core products (makeup, skincare, jewelry, bath & body products).  You make $20 on your first $100 order and get your $15 start up fee refunded.  Good deal!  After your first order, it's a piece of cake!  You will have questions I'm sure but that's what I'm here for.  If I don't know, I'll find someone who does.

Give it a try and sign up today online.  If you have questions, contact me and I help you.  If you don't think Avon is for you but would love to shop, browse the Avon brochure online.


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