My Daughter's Photography

    Can I be a proud mom and show off my daughter's photography?  I think she has a natural talent but she doesn't think so.  She's 13, so, of course, mom doesn't know anything.  How can I get her to pursue this natural talent without being pushy?  Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  We entered two of her photos in the local county fair where she placed 1st and 3rd place.  I work for a local newspaper and my boss printed her photos.  What do you think?  The pictures below are just a few examples.

Mama Duck with her babies at Chinoteague
Our deceased cat - Scotty

Tom - one of our cats

Butterfly - won 1st place at the county fair

Fireworks - won 3rd place at the county fair

Flower at a nursery while I was shopping.
Tilghman Island - this is one of my favorites.  To me, it really shows how great a day we had that day!

Iced tea
Our cat Tom last Christmas


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