I'm Lovin' Espira by Avon!
My favorite Espira product so far is the Restful Sleep. It's a natural supplement to relax your mind and body to get better sleep. I never had trouble sleeping before but as I get older, I've been experiencing some sleepless nights. I think it's due to entering menopause. I found that sleeplessness is frustrating. I would get up and roam the house, peeking out windows and sitting in the dark, thinking. Then I starting getting colds. I hardly ever got sick so I contributed it to the sleeplessness. I think the body needs the rest or I become run down and the germs make their way in. I'm no scientist by any means but when I'm well rested, I seem to be healthier. So I decided to try Espira Restful Sleep. The directions on the bottle say to take 2 capsules a half hour before bed. I did as directed but still had trouble falling asleep. One of my customers purchased the Restful Sleep so I asked her how she likes it. She said she loves it. She only takes 1 capsule about 2 hours before bed and when it's bedtime, she goes right to sleep. I started trying it her way. I take the capsules 2 hours before my normal bedtime. Now, I find myself fighting sleep on the sofa and off to bed I go. I sleep all night and feel good in the morning. On occasion, I'd take something like Tylenol PM but I really didn't like the way I felt in the morning. Espira Restful Sleep doesn't give me the same feeling in the morning. So if you're having trouble sleeping, I highly recommend Espira Restful Sleep.
About a month ago, I asked my hair stylist how I can help my thinning hair. I've always had thin hair but it's getting worse with age. My hair stylist told me to try biotin. The first thing I did when I got home was look in the Avon brochure at the Espira products. There's no sense in buying a supplement elsewhere when I can increase my Avon sales. Bingo! Espira AM Protect contains biotin to support healthy hair, skin and nails. Perfect! I've been using AM Protect for about a month and what a difference it made so far. Here's a picture of my nails. Aren't they gorgeous?
I also tried the Espira Metabolism Boost System for weight loss. I haven't noticed any weight loss but I felt really energized! I think the reason I didn't experience any weight loss is because my diet is awful. No matter how I try, I fall off the wagon. Plus, I forgot to take all the supplements every day and before meals. I'm terrible at remember taking pills. I remember during the week since I have a schedule for work but then on the weekends, I forget. I loved the energized feeling though so I will try again starting May 1st. One of my fellow Avon representatives lost 60 pounds with Espira Boost. If she can do, so can I until the urge to bake takes over! 😂
I would love to hear about your experience with Espira if you tried any of the products. If you haven't tried Espira, I have samples to get you started. Contact me for an Avon brochure and samples. Thank you and have a wonderful day! It was a beautiful spring day out there today!
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