Avon Shave Oil vs. Shave Gel

Before becoming an Avon representative nine years ago, I had no idea that Avon had so many products that I use every day besides makeup. I've looked through Avon brochures many times and really never paid attention to all the other products besides makeup and jewelry. Avon has deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, shave gel, lotions and even foot care products. Once I became an Avon representative, I started really reading about all the products in the Avon brochure and trying many of them. Today, my entire family uses Avon every day. My husband uses the deodorant, my daughter loves the shower gels and my son keeps his feet dry with foot spray. These are just some of the products we use. All summer long, we use Skin So Soft Bug Guard to keep bugs away. Of course, I use Anew skincare products and Avon makeup every day. I don't leave the house without it! 

When I became a representative, I looked in my bathroom closets and under the sinks to find other brand products that I could switch to Avon. Of course, why wouldn't I? My personal sales count towards my sales goals. I came across my shaving cream for my legs and found Skin So Soft shave gel. It was so much cheaper than the shaving cream I used but I wasn't sure about the gel. I tried it and have been using it ever since. I never liked the scent of the shaving cream so was happy to switch but wasn't sure about the shave itself. The shave was smooth with the Skin So Soft shave gel and hardly any scent so it was a win-win for me. Now, my teenage daughter uses it. We have to keep a spare in the closet until the next Avon order goes in. 

A few weeks ago, Avon introduced their first-ever moisturizing shave oil. I really like the shave gel but what the heck, I'll try the oil. The Skin So Soft Moisturizing Shave Oil comes in a small bottle so I'm thinking, this might be a little pricey for this tiny bottle. It was on sale for $6.99 and the shave gel is usually on sale for $2.49. That's a big difference in price but will it last as long as the shave gel considering two of us girls use it in the house? Oh, well, I'll just try it. 

I opened the bottle and poured just a little of the shave oil in my hand. The product description in the Avon brochure says it will lather so I rubbed my hands together and applied the oil-lather to my leg. I grabbed the razor and started shaving. I was really impressed with the shave oil! I used very little of the oil and what a difference in shaving! OK, so now the price doesn't seem too bad if I use a lot less of the oil than the gel. Plus, I haven't told my daughter what the oil was so I'm keeping it to myself! Bad mom! Anyway, talk about a smooth, close shave. You know how sometimes when you shave, you get a little bit of a burning sensation when drying off. Not with this moisturizing oil! 

Before I tried the oil, I was concerned about an oily feeling which I don't care for but there wasn't an oily feeling or touch. The shave oil rinses off with little effort. As for scent, the oil has virtually no scent. The only downfall I can see is making the tub slippery but I use very little of the oil so I didn't experience a slippery tub. I think with this product, less is more. 

Overall, I give the moisturizing shave an A! Shop for the moisturizing shave oil and other Skin So Soft products including the iconic bath oil at my Avon website, http://cbrown2272.avonrepresentative.com/. If you try the shave oil, I would love to hear your feedback! 

~ Thank you! ~


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