Better Than Bare! New Ideal Nude Makeup from Avon

Have you seen the latest Avon brochure? Avon's latest brochure, Campaign 12,introduces True Color Nude Makeup. It's breathable coverage that's truly mattifying. 

I've been using Avon liquid foundation since I became an Avon representative nine years ago. Avon has changed the foundation formula a few times in the past nine years and I must say that the foundation really has improved with each new formula. The newest formula is extremely lightweight so it doesn't feel like you're wearing makeup which is perfect for me. I prefer a natural look and I love to able to look like I have no makeup on. Some days I can make up my face really good and some days, I need to really rub in under my chin because I overdid it with the foundation. You know what I'm talking about - the line around the face?  When it comes to makeup, my opinion is less is more. 

Along with the new foundation, Avon also introduces the True Color Ideal Nude Cream Concealer. I'll tell you something, ladies, a good concealer is a girl's best friend when it comes to creating a beautiful, flawless look. We all have blemishes, pimples, marks, spots and some of us even have scars but a good concealer can hide those imperfections and make us look beautiful. My trick is that I dot on concealer on every spot on my face and then let it dry. Then I cover my entire face with foundation. Flawless! I always use a concealer lighter than my foundation especially under my eyes. I read this tip in one of the Avon brochures years ago. I tried it and I've been using it every since. 

Now since the weather is warmer and you've been getting some sun, it's time to switch your foundation to a shade or two darker than your winter shade. There's no sense in having a sun kissed skin tone that's lightened up with your winter shade of foundation. Let the sun kissed skin glow. If you don't have time to spend in the sun like me, there's always bronzer to add a sun kissed color. I use a bronzer on my nose, the top of my cheeks and my forehead. 

Check out the newest True Color foundation and concealer at my Avon eStore, I know it's difficult to tell from a brochure or online which shade is right for you so I have samples. When I first started using Avon's foundation, it took me about three shades to find the perfect one. 

~ Thank you and enjoy your day! ~


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