Candle Mixology

What in the world is Candle Mixology you might ask? It's Avon innovative candle burning method of burning two scents together creating a new scent.  While burning one of Avon's candles is scent-sational, burning two together is extraordinary!  If you love candles, you'll love playing around with this idea.  I always just burn one candle at a time in the kitchen on the stove and another candle in my powder room at the end of the house.  I would love to burn candles all over the house but having five cats in the house make that a little scary.  I could see the cats start running around and before you know the lit candles would be knocked over and no more house.  Anyway, let me show you Candle Mixology.  

Avon has the Holiday Home candle collection and a Gourmand candle collection.  In the Holiday Home candle collection, you'll find Christmas Pine, Holiday Spice, Woodland Retreat and Mandarin Cranberry.  I smelled all of these candles and it's hard to choose which one to buy.  It's the same with the Gourmand collection which include Salted Caramel, Dark Roast, Peppermint Cocoa and Vanilla Buttercream.  I personally have this set and still debating whether to give the candles as gifts or keep them for myself.  It's a huge decision I'm facing.  

Now that you know the candle scents, let's burn two of them at a time to create a new scent. How about Dark Roast and Peppermint Cocoa?  What do you think they would smell like burned at the same time? Your room would smell like a Peppermint Latte.  OK, now burn Vanilla Buttercream and Salted Caramel together in the same room.  These two would smell like Creme Brulee.  How about Vanilla Buttercream from the Gourmand collection and Holiday Spice from the Holiday Home collection? Burn these two together and you'll smell Holiday Cookies.  

Visit the Candle Mixology section of my Avon website for more ideas.  There's a chart showing 33 different combinations or you can come up with your own.  Grab these candles while you can for just $9.99 each.  Avon's candles have three wicks which will burn for about 30 hours.  Avon's candles are richly scented.  They are not like soy candles where you can smell the scent when sniffing the jar but once you light the candle, you can barely smell the candle.  You'll be very pleased with Avon's candles, I'm sure. 

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed learning about Candle Mixology. 


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