Avon - My Part-time Job
I became an Avon representative seven years ago because my friend who was selling Avon moved away. I miss my friend but I saw this opportunity to keep my makeup case filled! I didn't know who else sold Avon and wondered if I could do it. I emailed my friend for the Avon manager's contact info. I made an appointment right away with the Avon district manager and she told me it was only $10 to start. Wow! Even if I don't sell to other people, at least I can buy my own products at a discount. Let's try this and see what happens.
I was so excited to start getting customers right away! My neighbor was my first target. She was happy to take a brochure and even passed some brochures around her office. When she came over to place an order, I was thrilled and nervous because I didn't really know what I was doing.
I went online to my Avon representative website and took the free online courses available to me. These courses taught me about the Avon products and how to sell. Then I ventured out to find more customers than just my neighbor. I passed out books to everyone I know and emailed everyone that I started an Avon business. With a little help from Avon's promotions and my sales, I reached over $10,000 in sales during my first year. Once I reached $10,100, I was part of the Avon's President's Club which meant that I would earn 40% on Avon's core products and 25% on other products such as clothes, shoes, etc. WOW! I achieved success in my first year. Before achieving President's Club, my earnings were based on the size of my Avon order each campaign which meant that most of my earnings were only 20%.
During the first year, there were times that I wanted to give up. My husband encouraged me to continue because I enjoyed being an Avon representative. I found new customers one at a time by talking to people about Avon, wearing Avon jewelry and makeup.
Now, seven years later, I have over 300 customers. Some of my customers order every week and some only order once a year. My customer base is increasing all the time. I feel that my customers are very loyal to me as an Avon representative because of the service I provide. My customers know when the orders are due and when they will get their orders. I make it a point to get all my orders delivered as soon as they come in.
I find that Avon fits very nicely in my schedule. I have a full-time job and two children so I have to work my Avon business into my daily life. There are no set hours and I don't have to punch a clock. Sometimes I put more effort into Avon than other times depending on my children's schedules and other life events. The earnings I make depend on the effort I put into Avon. I think that some reps give up too soon or expect to earn money without any work on their part. This just isn't true. I have to work at my Avon business a few hours each week at least to keep my current customers and/or gain new customers.
If you think you have what it takes to become an Avon representative, try it today for $15. Yes, the starting fee increased since I started but the good news is you get more with your starter kit than I did. I would love to share my experience with you and teach you how to become a successful Avon representative. For more information, click here. If you're ready to get started, you can sign up online right now, click here. If you don't want to become a representative but love Avon products as much as I do, click here to start shopping.
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